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Ultra-thin Aerogel Film-Coating Type

author: | Release time: 2018-03-30 | Time to browse

Aerogel is a solid material form, one of the lowest density solids in the world. Aerogels are silica aerogels, but carbon aerogels also exist. Because of its extremely low density, the lightest silicon aerogel currently has only 3 mg/cm3, which is three times heavier than air. Since more than 99.8% of aerogels are air, they have very good thermal insulation effects. One inch thick aerogel is equivalent to 20 to 30 ordinary glass insulation. The thermal conductivity of carbon aerogels at room temperature can reach as low as 0.013w/m. K, which is the solid material with the lowest thermal conductivity at present.





Applications of aerogels include oil and gas, construction, automotive and aerospace, healthcare, high performance coatings, electronics, and others.

Consumer electronics products have always been pursuing the goal of intelligence and lightness.Products need to be both thin and functional, and the thermal management of products is also increasingly demanding. The thermal management should consider the scheme and material comprehensively. Some parts of the product need heat dissipation and heat insulation to achieve thermal balance, which does not affect the performance of the product nor affect the consumer experience.




Through the heat insulation material, the temperature-sensitive electronic components are blocked by heat. After the electronic products work for a long time, the local temperature will not be too high to the hands or the skin, so as to achieve a comfortable experience for consumers.




Horae New Materials Co., Ltd. combines aerogel and carbon nanotubes to solve thermal issues in the narrow space of consumer electronics products. Horae has developed aerogel products, and through special production processes, it can now achieve thicknesses of 0.01mm to 0.35mm.

1. Features: thickness uniformity, stable performance, no powder drop, no wrapping, easy die-cutting, etc.
2, Applications: wearable devices (VR helmets, electronic watches), smart electronic products (smartphones, tablet computers) and so on.

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